Monday, September 28, 2009

What every contact form should have

Nowadays, contact form generators can build complex contact forms, with tons of features, some of them useful, some of them just to be there when counting the features :) I thought it would be nice to make a list of the features that, in my opinion, must exist behind every contact form out there. So, here it is:
  • data validation - how can you reply to a visitor that did not enter his email or telephone number correctly ?!
  • anti-spam defence, captcha being the first choice - shall I explain why ? :)
  • autoresponder - because it lets the form submitter know when you will answer, or whether you are on vacation or not. you can give your telephone number, so that the form submitter can call you if his problem is urgent
Of course, some forms require more complex features (file upload, Paypal integration etc), but I was talking about the normal contact forms.


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